Voted best naturopath in Bohemian’s Best of North Bay 2024

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Annie Osborn, L.Ac.—founder of Annie's Natural Medicine in Sebastopol, Sonoma County—is a natural medicine practitioner, acupuncturist, kinesiologist, health educator, medical intuitive, fitness advocate, and animal lover.

STart To HeaL

Together we can design your personal healing journey and define your self-care program.

Come For A Visit

Annie will help your body rebalance, peeling back layers that often mask the underlying causes of poor health.

Natural Medicine

Annie uses proprietary, naturopathic nutritionals formulated to support your body's natural healing processes.

The physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of our health are intricately connected.

Over time, Annie's holistic approach helps you feel and live better by supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. To achieve this, we use a variety of naturopathic tools combined with education and recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise. The result is lasting, foundational health.

Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiology—also known as AK or muscle response testing—is a diagnostic tool to find imbalances and weaknesses in the body.

An AK practitioner can pinpoint the source of whatever is making you feel unwell. This could be a deficient organ, endocrine, vitamin, mineral, fatty acid, emotion or something else.

It's done by testing your body's response to touch or stimulus of suspected areas. Once a cause is identified, muscle response testing can also determine which treatments are needed to help your body heal the imbalance.

Annie combines AK with supportive technologies like MediPoint and Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT). She also provides detailed handouts explaining your unique imbalances and treatment protocols.


Some Common Treatments

women's health

For over 20 years, Annie has specialized in women’s hormonal conditions, including menopause, perimenopause, PMS, fertility, breast issues, and uterine and ovarian symptoms.

Early diagnosis of women's hormonal conditions is essential to avoid imbalances that can develop into more serious conditions, such as cancer.

Hormone Imbalances

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, ovaries, or testes. They travel through the bloodstream to cells, tissues, and organs, affecting many of the body’s processes.

When an imbalance occurs, you might experience fatigue, pain, weight gain, insomnia, low libido, acne, depression, anxiety, irritability, poor memory, and more.

Using applied kinesiology, we unravel the main endocrine dysfunctions causing the imbalance. Treatments include natural supplements to balance estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, adrenal and all hormones.

Thyroid Metabolism

Over 80% of the women we see over age 35 have an undiagnosed thyroid condition.

Like the gas pedal in your car, a properly functioning thyroid gland gives you that “get up and go” energy. An underactive thyroid—known as hypothyroidism—causes your metabolism to slow down. This can lead to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, depression, lack of motivation, hair thinning, constipation, and more.

We focus on balancing the hormones at the root of the problem. We can also support healing in cases of hyperthyroidism and Graves disease.

smoothie with sliced apple, cucumber and mint

Liver Function Optimization & Detoxification

The liver performs over 150 functions in the body, but its number one purpose is detoxification. It clears your body of the toxins you ingest, inhale, and absorb through the skin.

Toxins include chemicals, pesticides, alcohol, medications, environmental pollutants, free radicals, anesthesia, radiation, yeast/fungal “die-off”, and by-products of normal body processes.

Since we live in an increasingly toxic world, it's crucial to have a well-functioning liver.

If you're experiencing skin problems, headaches, irritability, joint pains or body odor, your liver may be the best place to start healing. This can include dietary changes or taking homeopathic medicines, liver cleansers, and/or enzymes.