Homeopathy Treatment in Sebastopol – Anniesnaturalmedicine.com

The Elegance of Homeopathy

Homeopathy, having been in existence at least 250 years, is an extraordinarily elegant healing system. Because it is “energy” medicine, diluted and shaken up or potentized, some people are more responsive than others.  Sensitive people respond well, as do folks who are cleaner, less toxic.

Homeopathic remedies work on several levels. The remedies commonly found available in health stores or online typically come in lower potencies such as 6c, 6x or 30c, 30x. These remedies, e.g. Arnica montana, or Rhus toxicodendron, can treat anything physical from sprains, acute pain, to headaches, diarrhea, gas or bloating, and poison oak. These low potencies are shorter acting, for acute conditions. Most homeopathic remedies are made from plants or minerals, some such as snake venom Lachesis, are made from animal source. Remember because they are diluted, none are toxic past the 12c or 24x potency.

The higher potencies (LM, 1M, 10M) are only available from practitioners of homeopathy who have advanced knowledge or training. These potencies are deeper acting, especially on the mental and emotional levels. They may be called constitutional remedies, one single remedy in high potency (LM, 1M, 10M), which can treat the whole body, mind, emotions, spirit. Homeopathy can seem too subtle, yet when you match the correct homeopathic resonance with the body, a huge shift can occur on all levels!

I always tell my patients that this is the best thing I can do for them, giving them their constitutional remedy. It can help clear some deep/past grief, fear or anger that is holding back healing. Typically patients don’t get a constitutional remedy from me until their 3rdvisit, as the first two visits we focus on detoxification and rebalancing the organs and hormones

Here are two interesting cases of patients who responded well from homeopathy:

Case 1: 

LS, a young man in his 20s came to see me feeling lousy: low energy, out of sorts, depressed, and with joint pains. When I tested him via applied kinesiology or muscle testing, I found he had a miasm, a homeopathic term for feeling the effects from a neurological toxin (vaccine, metal, drug, etc.) With two doses of the correct homeopathic remedy, Medhorrinum 10m, the dark cloud lifted. After two rounds of enzymes and drainage/circulatory detox supplements, his pain lifted and his energy returned. He returned to his full expression of being: robust, creative and full of life. With homeopathy, I was able to help his body remove the obstacles to cure and support his own healing ability, or vital force.

Case 2:

BR, a highly sensitive person whose work was interior design, came to me with extreme anxiety. She couldn’t relax, sleep or focus, and felt suicidal. She even questioned her relationship with the man she loved and had been with for 8 years. With the proper electrolytes, amino acids, B vitamins and homeopathic remedy (Thuja LM1), she felt some relief immediately. Her nervous system continued to heal over the next weeks and months. She now feels great, loves her work and relationship again, and even got married a few months ago.

Detoxify Your Brain

Get those toxins out of your brain and body! One of the best ways to prevent brain decline is to detoxify your body. Your brain has its own lymph system called Glymphatic, which shrinks at night to help detoxify your brain. Make sure to get enough sleep to support this function. If toxins remain in your body for years, they can certainly get lodged in the brain. Think of mercury dental fillings, a neurotoxin that can off gas in your mouth, or aluminum from cookware. These heavy metals are damaging, especially in the long term.

Brain decline can lead to dementia, Alzheimers, loss of memory, and a host of other symptoms which could make life miserable. Mental symptoms include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, fog, worry, anger, fear, ADD & OCD. Physical symptoms of a brain or nervous system deficiency include chronic PAIN, inflammation, loss of smell, numbness, tingling, twitches, spasms, cramps, tremors, neuropathy, shortness of breath, sweats, & seizures.

Toxins include bugs (bacteria, virus, fungal, parasites), chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, GMOs), heavy metals, vaccines, EMFs (electro-magnetic fields such as from cellular, wifi, electrical), protein toxins (from undigested gluten, dairy or soy), and high stress. Of course brain injuries such as concussion can cause scarring and alter the cranial structure of the brain. I myself lost hearing in one ear after a series of head injuries.

All these toxins can be slowly drained from the brain! I use nutrients and supplements to do this. Greens  such as cilantro, chlorella, or barley grass; enzymes such as bromelain, protease, pancreatin 4x, 8x, 10x; herbs such as collinsonia, astragalus, radish, turmeric, boswellia, and other bitters. Homeopathy works great to support detoxification. In my practice I test to see which nutrients each person needs; no one would need all the above, just maybe a few.

Fundamental nutrition for the brain includes regular protein, hydration, electrolyte or mineral balance and healthy fatty acids as the brain is 60% fat. Exercise is crucial, especially aerobic or high intensity interval training so as to fully oxygenate the brain. The brain also needs stimulation such as learning new things, creativity, hand writing, etc. The gut/brain connection is crucial, since 70% of the neurotransmitter Serotonin is produced in the gastro intestinal tract. Thus it is especially important to have a clean healthy diet.

There is also an important connection between the brain and hormones: menopausal women often suffer poor memory, brain fog, insomnia, and other disabling symptoms. If you are experiencing other symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as fatigue, get help now, don’t wait.

After 20 years in holistic practice, I have recently learned how to energetically test for toxins in the brain, via muscle response testing or applied kinesiology, using the Morphogenic Field Technique. I have a new test kit for the brain, as well as bugs and toxins. My system is always individualized, as no two people are alike. The best time to prevent brain decline is NOW; it’s never too early.