
Where is there pain in your body?

Healing Pain, Inflammation and Gastro-Intestinal Disorders

Over my 18 years of clinical practice, there is one method which has helped almost everyone heal, especially those who don’t respond well to other treatments. When the body is stressed, it will gradually deposit protein molecules in different areas of the body, causing pain & inflammatory conditions.

The causes can be trauma, infections, and also undigested dietary proteins. The most common health issues from undigested dietary proteins include back or neck pain, headaches, arthritis, chronic inflammation, fibromyalgia, sinusitis and allergies, skin rashes, and digestive disorders including Crohn’s, Colitis, and Irritable Bowel (IBS).

Dietary proteins which are difficult to digest include wheat gluten, cow dairy, soy, nuts especially peanuts, and seeds. If the body cannot fully digest these proteins, the undigested protein molecule will circulate, deposit and remain lodged as a toxin in different locations of the body. This will lead to joint or muscle pain, digestive or lymphatic issues, congestion, prostatitis, and a host of other problems. These protein toxins can accumulate for many years before the symptom is noticeable.

For example, Sam age 42 came to me with painful arthritis, inflamed knees, hips and finger pain. Like most of us, he grew up drinking lots of milk, though didn’t drink much as an adult. From my AK muscle response testing, it showed he had dairy toxins lodged throughout his body, mostly in the joints. His doctor prescribed a pain medication and said he’d have to take it the rest of his life. After about three months of the recommended homeopathic, enzyme & detoxification protocol, and removing dairy from his diet, his joint pains were virtually gone.

Don’t believe you are relegated to a life of pain or disease! Proteolytic enzymes can break down these protein toxins lodged in the body. Enzymes have many important functions in the body, one of which is to help digest food. Systemic enzymes are catalysts facilitating thousands of metabolic reactions, from fighting inflammation to cleansing the blood, to deactivating infections.

One of the most effective enzymes for inflammation, Bromelain, is made from pineapples. Combined with pepsin and papain, this formula taken in large doses can rapidly reduce swelling as well as break down protein toxins in the body. I use various strengths of pancreatin to break down other sized protein toxins. Also I use homeopathic remedies for detoxification from dairy, gluten, soy, peanuts, etc. It is crucial that the detox organs such as liver, kidneys and spleen are functioning well. If your liver is already toxic, you may get sick once you try to breakdown and remove these protein toxins. I use two liver detox formulas (NuLiv and LGKS) to assist the enzymes and homeopathics.